Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Learn spanish....talk now !!!

Lets speak first....Once you start learning, speaking spanish requires only one thing .....Courage ! Courage to let yourself make mistakes while learning. Most of us just fail to open our mouth and utter what is in our mind. We know what we have to say but it remains inside and is never heard by anybody. Make yourself heard!!! Stand in front of the mirror and let the spanish that you know unleash itself from within you. "Mirror conversation" is ,of course, a very good method of seeing yourself speak spanish in no time; you even have a person in front of you to respond if that’s what is important for you.
The only disadvantage of this learning method is that there is nobody to correct you and you do not know if you are using right words and right grammar. But the purpose of this exercise is not improving your grammar; it's only conversing with yourself. Eventually, as you learn to converse with your “mirror image” that is with yourself ( which means you are actually thinking aloud); you will learn to think in Spanish naturally. The mark of having mastered a language is, needless to mention, the ability to be able to think in that language. Have you ever noticed that you are most fluent in language you think in?
So what's your "Think Language" ?